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5" Pulsar 14mm 90 deg Barrel Perc Recycler Ash Catcher

5" Pulsar 14mm 90 deg Barrel Perc Recycler Ash Catcher



Regular price $49.99 USD
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Introducing our 5" Pulsar Ash Catcher, designed by the famous Pulsar brand. This unique ash catcher features a barrel percolator and vortex chamber for the smoothest smoking experience. Say goodbye to harsh hits, and hello to a cleaner and cooler smoke.

  • 5" tall
  • Accepts 14mm male bowl
  • Connects to bong using 14mm male joint
  • Barrel percolator
  • Recycler System

The Heartland Review

This piece is really for those connoisseurs among us and isn't to be taken lightly. First off it's made out of nice and thick high quality glass, but the party really starts on the inside. In the base pyramid shaped chamber you have a vortex barrel percolator that does the initial ash cleaning, and efficiently sends the smoke up to the top vortex chamber. Once the smoke reaches here it spins furiously to cool and smooth you smoke, while some of it enters the recycler system and goes through the whole process again. All this makes a super effective and efficient purification system that is sure to only provide you with the absolute smoothest smoke possible.

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